angela's sitee . °

It's all me baby .

It's all me baby .
Guest of Honor
Party Album
Most Embarrassing Photos
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Basic's . * : ]
Namee ;; Angela White
Age ;; FouR-teen .
D.O.B ;; December 15th . 90
Haiir ;; Blonde and long .
EyeZ ;; Brown .
Height ;; 4'5 somthing , i dunnO .
Siblings ;; 7 brothers . : O , im the only girl .

On this page, we'll include pictures of all the preparations we made for this party.

Balloons; Size=180 pixels wide

Here we might put a picture of the room being decorated.

Balloons; Size=180 pixels wide

Here we might put a picture of the food for the party being cooked.

About This Party

In this area, we might include "the facts" about this party, such as when and where it was held and what event it commemorated.

We might also include the names of all the people who attended, or scan in a copy of the invitation.